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Yoga Weekend

B&B Le Terrecotte
Welcome home,
even when away from home.

Relax with the wellness weekend of Yoga, regenerating mind and body in close contact with nature!

A weekend dedicated to yoga and meditation, in complete relaxation and immersed in nature, where wellness blends with history, culture and healthy nutrition.

Yoga Weekend

he Yoga weekend is ideal for spending time taking care of your body, meditation and regenerating in close contact with nature. The 4-day program consists of some Hatha Yoga and Pranayama sessions, paying particular attention to relaxation, proper nutrition and taking the opportunity to get to know and visit the beauties that surround us.

The program of the Yoga weekend

First day: Hatha Yoga

After the welcome in the structure you will be guided to the room located inside the Archaeological Park of Sutri, not far from the Bed & Breakfast, where the first session of Hatha Yoga (soft and relaxing) will last 1 hour. Following dinner with overnight stay.

Second day: Pranayama and Hatha Yoga

The morning begins with the session of Pranayama and Hatha Yoga (energizing). At the end, free lunch with the possibility of organizing excursions or guided tours in the surroundings. In the late afternoon another Hatha Yoga session with guided meditation. Dinner and overnight.

Third day: Haha Yoga and Pranayama

Breakfast in the structure and following the morning session of Pranayama and Hatha Yoga (energizing) in the room located inside the Archaeological Park of Sutri, lasting about 1 hour. At the end, free lunch with the possibility of organizing excursions or guided tours in the area. Evening Hatha Yoga session with guided meditation, dinner and overnight stay.

Fourth and final day

Breakfast in the hotel and departure.

Offer conditions

This offer has a duration of 4 days and 3 nights, and is aimed at groups of 2 up to a maximum of 14 people, with accommodation in a double, triple or quadruple room, depending on availability.

What’s Included:

• overnight stay in a double or triple room, with breakfast included
• dinner at a partner restaurant (full menu, drinks not included)
• Yoga lessons with qualified instructor

What’s not included:

• Transport service (to and from the airport)
• Travel insurance
• Any guided visits or extra excursions
• Lunches (where not expressly indicated in the program)

Le Terrecotte B&B - Lezioni di Yoga

Vi siete mai chiesti come è fare yoga in un posto magico? Venite da noi e scoprirete quanto può essere benefico per il corpo e lo spirito, in un luogo senza tempo come le leggendarie rovine del Castello di Carlo Magno all'interno del Parco di Villa Savorelli Lontano dal caos, nella bellissima città di Sutri, insieme a persone fantastiche e paesaggi meravigliosi #BBLeTerrecotte #ScopriSutri #AntichissimaCittàdiSutri

Pubblicato da Le Terrecotte B&B su Sabato 3 agosto 2019

